Corporate Governance Statement

Thorney Opportunities Ltd
ABN 41 080 167 264

Thorney Opportunities Ltd (Thorney Opportunities, TOP or Company) is committed to developing and maintaining an effective system of corporate governance which is commensurate with the size and nature of the Company, its Board and the scope of its operations.

In the following statements we detail how the Company adheres to the ASX Corporate Governance Principles and Recommendations and where there is non-adherence we disclose why it is necessary to take a different approach.

Current as at and approved by the Board on 18 June 2024

Principle 1

Lay solid foundations for management & oversight

Lay solid foundations for management and oversight

The primary role of the Board is to ensure the long-term prosperity of Thorney Opportunities.

The Board is responsible for a broad range of matters and will act in the best interests of the Company to ensure that the business of the Company is properly managed. The Company has no employees and its day-to-day functions and investment activities are managed by Thorney Management Services Pty Ltd (Investment Manager) pursuant to an Investment Management Agreement (IMA) approved by shareholders. The Investment Manager performs the tasks that would ordinarily be performed by senior executives.

The Board has adopted a Board Charter which stipulates the respective roles and responsibilities of the board and matters expressly reserved to the Board and which operational activities and what levels of authority have been delegated to the Investment Manager.

The Board may delegate any of these matters to individual Directors, Board Committees or the Investment Manager but any such delegation shall be in accordance with the law and the Company’s Constitution.

The Board meets at least quarterly. At these meetings senior managers of the Investment Manager are available to report on the Company’s operations.

Before being invited to join the Board and standing for election by shareholders, all non-executive Directors have appropriate background checks. All details of directors’ qualifications, skills and experience, independence including other material directorships currently held and any related party disclosures are included in the meeting materials presented to shareholders.

Service arrangements have been agreed between the Company and the Directors personally with respect to their individual remuneration and other terms of employment. Each Director has entered into an agreement regarding insurance, access to records and disclosure of any trading in TOP securities as required under ASX Listing Rules, confidentiality and the Company’s Trading Policy.

The Company Secretary has a direct reporting line to each Director of the Company in regard to all matters to do with the proper functioning of the Board and the Committees.


The Company has not promulgated a Diversity Policy nor has it set any measurable objectives for gender diversity in compliance with ASX Recommendation 1.5.  As the Company has no employees the Board has determined that a Diversity Policy and the setting of measurable objectives to achieve gender diversity are not warranted at this time.  However, the composition of the Board is periodically reviewed.

The Board undertakes a formal annual performance self-assessment of the Board, the Audit and Risk Committee and the Investment Manager.

An evaluation of board performance was undertaken during the financial year ended 30 June 2024 with no material changes proposed to the Board processes or individual director contributions.  A review of board composition following the resignation of a director during 2023 and having regard to the size and the nature of its business, the Company has determined to appoint an additional director and has commenced an executive search.  A four (4) member board is appropriate at this time to sufficiently enable it to effectively discharge its responsibilities to the Company.

The Board annually reviews the performance of the Investment Manager based on total returns to shareholders and with reference to peer LIC performance and benchmark ASX indices.

The non-executive directors meet at least once a year to review and evaluate the performance of the Investment Manager.  One positive outcome of the current year review was to reach an agreement with the Investment Manager to introduce a high water mark when calculating performance fees, effective from 1 July 2023.

A satisfactory evaluation of the Investment Manager’s performance for the financial year ended 30 June 2024 was undertaken by the independent directors.

The Investment Manager has an established induction process for all its employees with responsibilities under the IMA. As part of this induction process, new senior executives will receive briefings on the business of the Company and the Investment Manager and their policies and procedures. These briefings will focus on the key operational, regulatory, risk and compliance issues that are of relevance to the Company and the Investment Manager.

Principle 2

Structure the board to be effective & add value

Structure the board to be effective and add value

Nomination and appointment of new Directors

ASX Recommendation 2.1 states that a board should establish a nomination committee and disclose a charter. Given the size and nature of the Company, the Board has determined that a Nomination Committee is not warranted.

The Board considers the issues that would otherwise be considered by a Nominations Committee.

Board skills matrix

The TOP Board must comprise directors with an appropriate range of skills, experience and expertise.

Board skills & experience

Applies to

Executive leadership

All directors

Financial markets acumen

All directors


All directors

Public policy and Regulation

All directors

Shareholder engagement

All directors


All directors

The Board skills matrix sets out the key skills and experience of the Directors and the extent to which they are represented on the current Board and its Committees.

In addition to the skills and experience outlined in this table the Board considers that each Director has the appropriate attributes such as

  • honesty and integrity;
  • an understanding of shareholder value;
  • has sufficient time to undertake the role appropriately;
  • an enquiring mind; and
  • a demonstrated commitment to appropriate standards of governance.

Background information on Directors in office is set out in the Directors’ Report of the Annual Report.

The Company’s Constitution provides that there must be a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 10 directors.

The Board currently comprises 1 independent, non-executive director (Dr Gary Weiss AM) and 2 non-independent non-executive directors (Alex Waislitz OAM and Henry Lanzer AM). The Board regularly assesses the independence of each non-executive director.





Last election

Alex Waislitz OAM



21 November 2013

14 November 2023

Henry Lanzer AM



21 November 2013

8 November 2021

Dr Gary Weiss AM

Director [1]


21 November 2013

14 November 2022

Thorney Opportunities notes that the current Board does not comply with ASX Recommendation 2.4 with respect to a majority of independent directors. The Board considers that all Directors of TOP bring significant expertise and investment experience to the Company and that the current structure is appropriate for the Company at this time.

Directors are elected by shareholders and in accordance with the provisions of the Constitution, no director holds office for a period longer than 3 years without standing for re-election by the shareholders.

Chairman and independence

Thorney Opportunities notes that ASX Recommendation 2.3 (modified recommendation for externally managed listed entities) and ASX Recommendation 2.5 states that the chair of the Company and Investment Manager should be independent and, in particular, should not be the same person as the CEO of the entity.

The Board takes the view that it is in the best interests of shareholders that Mr Waislitz be the Chairman of Thorney Opportunities and we make the following observations:

  • Mr Waislitz, as the long-term chairman and CEO of the private Thorney Investment Group, has a demonstrated track record of successful investment performance over 3 decades.
  • In November 2013, shareholders voted in favour of all Thorney Investment Group proposals, including the appointment of Mr Waislitz as a director, on the expectation he be appointed Chairman of the Company.
  • There are well-credentialed non-executive directors serving on the Board.
  • The appointment of Dr Gary Weiss as Lead independent director.
  • Delegation of certain responsibilities to Board committees.

The Company has a program for inducting new directors and each director individually reviews their training and professional development needs to maintain the skills and knowledge required to effectively perform their role.

Each director may obtain independent professional advice at the expense of the Company on matters arising in the course of their Board duties. The payment for the cost of the advice by the Company is subject to the approval of the Chairman, which will not be unreasonably withheld.

1 Lead Independent Director

Principle 3

Instil a culture of acting lawfully, ethically & responsibly

Instil a culture of acting lawfully, ethically and responsibly

Statement of Values, Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest

Statement of Values

As per recommendation 3.1, the Company has established a Statement of Values. This Statement identifies the Company’s core values, which underpin its culture, Code of Conduct, business strategy, remuneration structure and general approach to its business dealings.

The Company’s values are the guiding principles and norms that define what type of organisation the Company aspires to be and what it requires from its directors and Investment Manager to achieve that aspiration.

Code of Conduct and Conflicts of Interest

The Company has established a Code of Conduct that provides guidance to Directors and employees of the Investment Manager. Under these principles Directors will:

  • conduct business lawfully
  • conduct business in good faith and in a manner that will maintain confidence in the Company’s integrity;
  • perform their duties to high standards of honest, ethical and law-abiding behaviour;
  • treat others with dignity and respect; and
  • not engage in conduct likely to adversely affect the reputation of Thorney Opportunities.

The Code of Conduct also sets out details of how conflicts of interest should be avoided. Directors must disclose to the Company any material personal interest they or their associates may have in a matter that relates to the affairs of the Company, and inform the Board, via the Company Secretary, of any changes. Where conflicts of interest arise, the Code sets out appropriate arrangements that must be followed.

A copy of the Code of Conduct is available on the Company’s website.

Whistleblower Policy

The Company has established a whistleblower policy allowing stakeholders to confidentially submit for investigation any serious complaint against the Company or its representatives and provides protections for employees who do so. The Board will be informed of any material concern raised under the Policy or that calls into question the culture of the Company.

A copy of the Whistleblower Policy is available on the Company’s website.

Principle 4

Safeguard the integrity of corporate reports

Safeguard the integrity of corporate reports

Audit Committee

Thorney Opportunities has established an Audit and Risk Committee and adopted an Audit and Risk Committee Charter. Dr Gary Weiss (Committee Chairman) and Henry Lanzer have been formally appointed to the Committee but all directors are invited and encouraged to attend each meeting. The Company notes that its Committee composition and charter do not conform to ASX Recommendation 4.1, however the Board believes that given the size and nature of the Company and the Board, the committee structure is sufficiently appropriate to independently verify and safeguard the integrity of the financial reporting.

A table of attendance at committee meetings by directors is included in the directors’ report.


Thorney Opportunities does not employ its own CEO or CFO. However for the purposes of section 295A of the Corporations Act and ASX Recommendation 4.2, the Chairman and Company Secretary provide the required assurances and declarations each half-year.

The Thorney Opportunities Board has received assurance from the Chairman and Company Secretary that, in their opinion:

  • the financial records of the Company have been properly maintained;
  • the financial statements comply with the appropriate accounting standards and give a true and fair view of the financial position and performance of the Company; and
  • the opinion has been formed on the basis of a sound system of risk management and internal control which is operating effectively.
External Auditor

The Audit and Risk Committee Charter includes information on the procedures for selection, appointment and removal of the external auditor of the Company and for the rotation of the external audit engagement partner. In 2013 shareholders appointed Ernst & Young as the company’s auditor.

Following completion of 2023 financial year, the audit engagement partner of Ernst & Young was rotated as required under the rotation policy

TOP ensures that the external auditor attends the AGM and is available to answer questions relevant to the audit from shareholders.

Principle 5

Make timely & balanced disclosure

Make timely and balanced disclosure

Thorney Opportunities has adopted a Disclosure Policy which has procedures designed to ensure compliance with ASX Listing Rules and Corporations Act disclosure requirements and to ensure accountability of Directors and senior management of the Investment Manager for that compliance.

The policy, which is available on the Company’s website, has procedures designed to ensure that material information is communicated to the Chairman and Company Secretary and for the assessment of information for the disclosure of material information to the market.

The Board acknowledges the importance of promoting timely and balanced disclosure of all material matters concerning Thorney Opportunities and believes it is fully compliant with Principle 5 and its recommendations.

Principle 6

Respect the rights of security holders

Respect the rights of security holders

Thorney Opportunities has a Communications Policy which seeks to promote effective communication with our shareholders. The Company communicates in several ways including via its Annual Report and Half-yearly accounts, monthly net tangible asset backing announcements with commentary, and other ASX announcements regarding material investments and other developments.  To assist the Company with its shareholder engagement program TOP has utilised an external investor relations firm and more recently relied on in-house resources.

Thorney Opportunities Ltd maintains a website at:

Annual General Meeting

The Company’s AGM will be held on 12 November 2024, as a virtual meeting and further meeting details will be announced in early October 2024.

The Chairman of the meeting will ensure that shareholders are given the opportunity to participate at the AGM.

The Company encourages shareholders to contact the Share Registry and opt in to receive and send all communications to and from the Company electronically.

Principle 7

Recognise & manage risk

Recognise and manage risk

The Board, through the Audit and Risk Committee, is responsible for setting policies for oversight of risk and identification and management of material business risks. Thorney Opportunities has an approved Audit and Risk Committee Charter (see Principle 4 above) and in conjunction with the Investment Manager has adopted a Risk Management Policy.

The Investment Manager has implemented a risk management and compliance framework which enables the identification of risks, the execution of appropriate responses, the monitoring of risks and the controls applied to mitigate risks.

The main areas of risk that have been identified are investment risk and operational risk. As a listed investment company Thorney Opportunities will always bear investment risk as it invests its capital in assets that are not risk free. Investment risk includes market risk, currency risk, credit, counterparty and settlement risk, liquidity risk, climate risk and reputational risk.  Operational risks can include legal, regulatory, disaster recovery, systems, process and human resource, environmental and social risks. Our risk management framework has been designed to monitor, review and continually improve risk management throughout the Company.

For the year ended 30 June 2024 the Audit and Risk Committee reviewed the Company’s risk management framework and the Board was satisfied that it continues to be sound.

The Board believes that commensurate with the size and nature of the business that an internal audit function is not warranted at this time. The Company utilises highly effective internal control processes and systems, developed over 2 decades by the Investment Manager to manage the multifaceted investment activities of the private Thorney Group. The Investment Manager employs staff and consultants who are responsible for evaluating and continually improving the effectiveness of the risk management and internal control systems. These systems are subject to an annual external audit.

The Company does have a material exposure to the Australian stock market. A large fall or correction to the overall market is likely to adversely affect the Company’s NTA. The Investment Manager seeks to reduce this risk through careful stock selection, diversification and management of the relative weightings of individual securities.

Principle 8

Remunerate fairly & responsibly

Remunerate fairly and responsibly

Remuneration Committee

ASX Recommendation 8.1 states that a board should establish a remuneration committee. Given the size and nature of the Company and the fact the company does not employ executives, the Board has determined that a Remuneration Committee is not warranted, nor does it have a Remuneration Policy to disclose.

Non-executive Directors

Non-executive Directors are remunerated by a fixed director’s fee including superannuation or as a fixed consulting fee plus GST, as permitted by the Company’s Constitution.

The maximum remuneration of Non-executive Directors is determined by Shareholders at a General Meeting in accordance with the Constitution, the Corporations Act and the ASX Listing Rules, as applicable. At present the maximum aggregate remuneration of Non-executive Directors is $400,000 per annum. The apportionment of non-executive Director Remuneration within that maximum will be made by the Board having regard to the inputs and value to the Company of the respective contributions by each Non-executive Director. The Board may award additional remuneration to Non-executive Directors called upon to perform extra duties or services on behalf of the Company.

Non-executive Chairman

The Non-executive Chairman is employed by the private Thorney Investment Group and does not receive any salary, benefits or incentives for his role as a Director of the Company.

The amount of remuneration for all directors, including all monetary and non-monetary components, are detailed in the directors’ report under Remuneration Report (audited).

Investment Manager

The Investment Manager has specified authority and responsibility in regard to management of the Company’s investment portfolio. The Investment Manager is entitled to a base fee and a performance fee in accordance with the IMA.

Persons involved in investment management are employees of the private Thorney Investment Group and are not remunerated by the Company.

Further details on the management fees paid to the Investment Manager are included in the financial statements.